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The MiR1350


Max Speed

1.2 m/s

Run Time

9.5 hours


1350 kg


1350 mm x 910 mm x 322 mm

The MiR1350 is a powerful and robust autonomous mobile robot from the company MiR designed to maximize the efficiency of logistics operations. With a payload capacity of 1350 kg, it can efficiently move heavy loads and pallets automatically, using specially designed pallet lifters. This makes it a safe alternative to traditional pallet lifters and trucks, reducing the risk of accidents and freeing up employees to focus on more productive tasks.

Equipped with advanced laser-scanner technology and sophisticated software, the MiR1350 can navigate autonomously and choose the most efficient route to its destination, even in complex environments with obstacles and people. It also has optimal safety features, with 360-degree vision around itself and sensors in each corner that allow it to detect pallets and other low obstacles that can be difficult for other robots to see.

With the intuitive MiR Robot Interface, the MiR1350 is user-friendly and easy to operate, and it can be integrated into ERP systems to create fully automated solutions. It can also be included in the MiR Fleet alongside other MiR robots, making it a flexible and versatile option for a variety of applications.